Celebrate Spring with David Schooley, the founder of SBMW, at the SF Public Library!
"David’s evocative photography, poems & artwork will highlight the event. Equally at home painting protest banners and organizing demonstrations, or photographing Nature's treasures and writing soulful poems rich in the poetry of place, Schooley has tirelessly questioned the "development" mindset and been a principled fighter for preservation of these city-surrounded mountains of the northern San Francisco Peninsula, and much more. Publications & refreshments will be available."
Information on natural history, restoration & hikes for all ages will be available. Nature poems and a show & tell display of minerals, nature specimens & artifacts will be featured. Refreshments will be served.
David Schooley is the author of Nothing Need Be Said, San Bruno Mountain Book of Poems and Ravines of the Heart, Poems, Drawings, Essays. Autographed copies will be available.
Sunset Branch Library
1305 18th Ave. at Irving Street, San Francisco
Info: (415)355-2808
http://sfpl.org/sunset ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sfplsunsetbranch
Free - Public Transit: N-Judah streetcar; 7, 28 & 29 MUNI buses - Wheelchair accessible
sfpl.org/sunset (info, map) • https://www.facebook.com/sfplsunsetbranch