International Intention of Respect

Publisher: San Bruno Mountain Watch
Reporter: No Byline

The Undersigned Particpants in the
International Symposium on "Natural" Sacred Sites: Cultural and Biological Diversity
Jointly organized by UNESCO, CNRS, MNHN
September 22-25, 1998
Paris, France

We, as the undersigned participants in the International Symposium on "Natural" Sacred Sites: Cultural and Biological Diversity co-sponsored by an international humanitarian body, pledge our respect and support for the protection of sacred sites worldwide.

In the spirit of respect for the autonomy of diverse cultures, we agree to respect and support worldwide the designation of particular sites or whole areas as sacred if determined to be so by, and chosen to be publicly announced by, the keepers of the sacred knowledge of traditional cultures (and, if they are deceased, other qualified supporters of environmentally, culturally, and historically significant sacred sites).

Further, we agree to respect and support the efforts of traditional sacred knowledge keepers and their supporters to protect their sacred sites worldwide.

Our International Intention of Respect is made with the awareness that too little attention has been given in the past, and much more must be given in the future, to the effective protection of sacred sites worldwide.

In order to continue the momentum building at this international symposium, we strongly recommend that UNESCO take further steps in the direction or respecting and protecting sacred sites worldwide, including bringing these concerns to the attention of national governments.

Signed by 178 people worldwide and with four members of San Bruno Mountain Watch
Betsy Danon
Charles Miller
Victoria Rojas
David Schooley