San Bruno Mountain and three other San Mateo Co. parks to re-open soon!

Publisher: Friends of Edgewood Park
Reporter: Bill Korbulz

At the September 28th final hearing for San Mateo County's 04-05 budget, the Supervisors approved unanimously a motion to add $187,489 to the Parks Department's budget in order to enable them to keep all parks open 7 days/week through June 30, 2005. In making the motion, Supervisor Jerry Hill spoke eloquently of the reasons for keeping parks open, including supporting the work of the Parks Foundation in raising money for an Interpretive Center at Edgewood, supporting the volunteer efforts at all of the parks, preventing vandalism, maintaining standard operating levels, and, importantly, committing to SMC Parks as a County priority. A couple of events came together to facilitate this outcome. First, the County's General Fund is $29M larger than expected and than it was last July at the last budget hearings, due to reduced takeaways from the State and to County operating surpluses from last year. Second, the Supervisors responded to the 100+ letters and emails they received urging them to reopen parks. Each of you who wrote or emailed or otherwise supported this issue should be proud of your participation in this decision-making process. I'm sure the Supervisors would appreciate a thank-you letter for their action." Please go to the County's website for contact information. Thank you. .