San Bruno Mountain Conference 2020

Stu Weiss, Ph.D. (Stanford University) is Chief Scientist of Creekside Science, which provides scientific and conservation expertise to diverse organizations as they cope with the rapidly changing 21st Century environment. He has authored numerous scientific papers concerning climate/microclimate, population dynamics, nitrogen deposition, and various aspects of conservation ecology. Creekside Science executes many hands-on restoration projects, including butterfly reintroductions, propagation of endangered plants, and habitat monitoring and management. Stu has worked on San Bruno Mountain since 1981, and recent Creekside Science SBM projects include the 30-Year Review of the HCP, the 2015 Rare Threatened and Endangered Plant Survey, translocations of Mission blue butterflies to Twin Peaks and Milagra Ridge, metapopulation modeling of the Mission blue, lupine propagation by seeding, and reintroduction of the Bay checkerspot butterfly. For more information see