San Bruno Mountain Conference 2020

Doug Allshouse lives on the San Bruno Mountains, 100 feet below the Saddle Trail, and has been exploring, studying, and recording their natural history since 1981. He was a founder and officer of Friends of San Bruno Mountain beginning in 1996 as well as the original Mission Blue Nursery in 2001. He is affiliated with the California Native Plant Society and is the San Bruno Mountain Chair for the Yerba Buena Chapter and has been leading field trips since 1996. His most ambitious project since 2008 involves assembling an inventory of plants and birds on the Mountains which led to his seven-year project with David Nelson writing an updated flora The Natural History of the San Bruno Mountains.
He began writing the seasonal Doug’s Mountain Journal, a chronicle of the natural history of San Bruno Mountain, in 1997 for the Friends’ newsletter. He now writes it for the Yerba Buena chapter newsletter as well as for the San Bruno Mountain Watch website. Doug's Mountain Journal captures the sights and sounds of wildlife and wildflowers on this very special place.